The University of Trento is an in-presence university, where lectures, examinations and degree sessions take place at its locations.
The university wants to offer a qualitative teaching to all students, including non-attending students, aware that ensuring distance support will not decrease the number of attending students. They are moved by the motivation to stay with others, by the advantage of using the infrastructures and services of our sites, finding opportunities for social gatherings, as well as the experiences of learning participation.
Each lecturer will plan how best to give support to non-attending students, choosing the most appropriate methods taking into account the nature of the course, its content and personal attitude. Measures to facilitate the access to teaching by students unable to attend may take the form of:
- teaching materials made available online aimed at learning: these materials may include recordings of lectures;
- distance meetings between lecturers and learners during the teaching periods;
- organization of office hours also in online mode.
In the Moodle community of his/her course the lecturer will make known any actions and methods he/she intends to put in place to involve non-attending students. Students are therefore invited to consult the Moodle community of their teaching activities by accessing the online environments from this link: